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Public Health Modernization Initiatives & the “Hidden” Impact on Medicaid Enterprise Systems

Public health modernization initiatives are transforming the landscape of healthcare delivery in the United States, creating hidden potential value for state Medicaid programs. By updating and integrating public health data systems, enhancing data interoperability, and adopting advanced analytics, these initiatives are not only improving public health outcomes but also supporting the efficiency and effectiveness of […]

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Ruvos: Adventure Flows Within

As we say goodbye to 2023, I am excited to announce that next year marks a significant milestone for Ruvos – our 20th anniversary. While 20 years is a notable milestone for any company, it’s all the more significant for a solutions provider in health technology, where startups seem to come and go with the […]

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Strengthening Public Health with Data: Empowering Epidemiologists with Data Science

Epidemiologists swim in data every day, but the value of that work shines brightest during times of crisis.The COVID-19 pandemic spotlighted the role of data in protecting public health — and what is possiblewith more resources dedicated to data modernization. In some communities, state and city officials, school districts, and employers could access near real-timedashboards […]

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Ruvos gets listed!

Data Integration, Analytics, & Security for Public Health and Healthcare Since 2004, Ruvos has led nationally in health technology, integrating cloud computing, interoperability, data intelligence and analytics, and cybersecurity to build and maintain much of the country’s public health infrastructure and improve healthcare delivery. Our commitment to innovation, excellence, and positive community impact has cemented […]

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Accelerating the secure exchange of public health data with AIMS, powered by Ruvos and AWS

When battling infectious diseases and monitoring for emerging threats, how do public health officials determine their deployment of scarce resources and stay ahead of rapidly changing situations? The answer lies in data — information showing which disease variants are spreading, where cases are spiking, how many people are vaccinated, and many more essential details. However, […]

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The inside scoop – ISID & Ruvos, a partnership for the long haul

Our partners and clients frequently share feedback during journey, but when Julia Maxwell recently shared her experience with Ruvos, we were humbled to reflect on how our partnership has grown over the last 3 years. “Ruvos has been our trusted partner for over three years as we work to further ISID’s Program for Monitoring Emerging […]

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